Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Beginning of the End, Part One


I sit on my couch and there is overall silence in the building. Stage One of move-out is complete, and tomorrow the remaining folks will pack up and head out. I've taken the "you don't have to go home but you can't stay here" approach this whole week. I've done quiet rejoicing as students left, in my head I've jumped up and down as keys were returned.....and now that I'm here I'm not quite sure how I feel.

I walked through the building today and saw so many empty rooms. The hallways are still, with only the tiny noises of movement from random residents breaking through. I am thankful for an end to the year and to the worry, but with all of that comes the sadness to say goodbye.

My staff ambushed me with a card and gift yesterday, prompting me to immediately start to cry, the first time they've seen that happen. Then as they've left, I've cried again - sometimes full out crying as I hug them, sometimes just tearing up, sometimes waiting until they go to really let it all come out. My very first staff for my very first year as a professional, and now it's all over.

I am anxious to finish my paperwork and get my summer underway.....anxious to shut the cover on this year and know that I made it. But with this excitement comes that constant tug of melancholy, knowing that it won't ever be the same.

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